Sunday, April 8, 2012

Issey Miyake...Origami inspiration

Issey Miyake and the in-house Reality Lab research and development team presented the “132 5 Issey Miyake” project in autumn 2010. The famous Japanese designer formed Reality Lab. with two other staff members, textile engineer Manabu Kikuchi and engineer and model maker Sachiko Yamamoto. Started up in 2007, it currently numbers eight components who work together as an authentic team exploring and experimenting creation development. Activities include exploring possible ideas closely related to real life, and actions aimed at promoting the potentiality of Japanese creation. Reality Lab. recently joined forces with computer scientist Jun Mitani to realise ten paper models (folded into identical shapes) which are matched together, in different scales, to create shirts, skirts, trousers and dresses. The Issey Miyake team also pursues nonstop research into materials: in fact the “132 5” project avails of a polyester fibre realised by Teijin Limited based on recycled chemical products. Not by chance the “132 5 Issey Miyake” project intends becoming part of the “Eco-Circle” recycling system for recouping and reusing materials. Unconnected to seasonal collections, “132 5″ products will be on sale throughout 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Ray Ban サングラスをよく掛けるひとりの友人は、最近オウムを飼っています。彼はそのオウムにレイバン wayfarerなどの話題をいっぱい話します。前に彼の家を寄った時、彼のオウムはなんども「レイバン RB2140」「Ray-Ban 2140」と騒ぎました。
